Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Williams Family

Grandma Beaton,

If I’m guilty of anything, it’s taking you for granted. You’ve always been there. When I was little I used to go over to your house in Camelback Canyon. Grace would make me meatballs; I’d sit on the counter and eat her food while my parents went about their business. Great grandma Tanner was around then but by the age I was old enough to remember her she was far enough gone that I didn’t get to talk with her much. I remember the pool as well. I remember being deathly afraid of the pool skimmer that went along the bottom. To me, it was a little underwater monster. I got my first bicycle during Christmas at your house. Blue with white wheels. Thought I’d died and gone to heaven (except creepy heaven, her house was full of little elves and Santa decorations that were stuffed fabric with wire supports and painted faces that looked oddly Asian). To this day those things still ring Christmas-time to me when I see them.

Since then I’ve had varying levels of contact with you. However, my entire life is laced with your subtle influence and as I sit and think about it, take you away and you take away a big part of my upbringing. Your council is always correct, and you’re a great example of etiquette. I learned just how much my table manners were off with just a few dinners during that weeklong Mexican cruise we took together. I like to the think that I’ve since corrected my mistakes, and am still hesitant to sit across the table from you for fear of additional personal embarrassment.

I learned to play the game Rook with you and your two sisters, Zola and Isabelle. Never have I had so much fun with 3 gals since. Nate knows exactly what I’m talking about. Never lead out with anything but a “1” or you’re in trouble against you three!

Grandma this paragraph will be short, I love your lamb! It’s my favorite dish ever, right above hot dogs, buffalo wings, meatballs, and pizza. It’s single-handedly keeping my top five favorite foods at least a little classy. In all seriousness though you’ve been the best Grandma I could have ever hoped for and I love you with all my heart.


John Ross

Dear Grandma Beaton,

I was so happy to finally meet you at the Groom’s Dinner last month. J.R. has always talked about you in the highest regard, especially when referring to your delicious lamb and mint jelly. Needless to say, I am incredibly intimidated to cook the famous dish for him because I know it will never compare with yours. I have heard so many wonderful stories about and look so forward to continuing to get to know you, through both J.R. and yourself. Happy Birthday!


Morgan Williams

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