Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Cropper Family

April 24, 2011

You are not supposed to have favorites, but I have always had a favorite grandma. I know that probably started when I was very little watching a very elegant and wealthy grandma manage the center of my little universe under the shadow of Camelback Mountain. Many of my favorite memories of childhood were from Grandma and Grandpa’s house. Grandma’s smile and warm greetings have always endeared her to me.

Until very recently, I have always ever felt that I was the most important person in her life. I was certainly one of her favorites, even if everyone else was too. Her love and her concern and interest in my life have always enriched our relationship. She was one of the first people that I felt comfortable sharing my real self with and with whom I felt comfortable exploring who I really am. Melissa and I were privileged to get to spend many hours with her all by ourselves for a few years before any other of her grandchildren moved back to the Rogue Valley. We gained so much insight and were bestowed with powerful exhibits of love and wisdom. Those years changed our lives forever.

I have always considered my gram to be of very noble birth, not only because she was the daughter of an apostle or because she experienced much wealth in her life, but mainly because of the poise, grace, composure, beauty, hospitality, attention to detail, global perspective, vast knowledge, wide network of acquaintances, and ability to lead our family to righteousness with love and concern.

She has given me countless criticisms and suggestions in ways that have allowed me to be my very best. She has asked countless questions to help me consider prioritizing my life differently to achieve greater success. She has extended countless numbers of compliments and encouragements to buoy me up and help me weather hard times and make the most out of tough situations.

Helen Tanner Beaton is one of my greatest confidants. She knows my deepest secrets and fears and believes in my greatest dreams and desires. The impact she has had on my life and the life of my family will be eternal. She has served as a powerful link between me and the greatness of generations before her and has passed down her faith, knowledge, wisdom, ability to act, ability to love, and desire to make the world a better place. She is wonderful and amazing and one of my greatest heroes in life.

Random memories:

1. Eating tomatoes with a salt shaker right in her garden in Scottsdale. Pick, bite, salt, bite, salt, bite…Mmmmm.

2. Easter egg hunt at Grandma’s house in Scottsdale. Big huge stuffed animals on the steps to the pool, but they were for the little kids, so we had to go out and look in the yard for our eggs.

3. Trip to Disneyland with Dyonne and Ricky. I only remember pushing buttons in the elevator and then getting lost.

4. Spontaneous wisdom quote from her home in Grants Pass: “I know that I am fat, but feel great and that is all that really matters.”

5. Best salads and hamburgers and sandwiches and food generally whenever you go to visit.

When I think of our best times together it will be the two of us in her kitchen in the shadow of the Medford Temple that I will remember. That is where she helped me grow up, from a boy with potential to a man with direction. I am looking forward to many more years of Thursday night’s dates at her house after going to the temple. Not much better than that.

I love you Gram.

Sincerely your 2nd grandson,

Tanner Edward Cropper

June 2011

Dear Gram

Our friendship, yours and mine, began in such an interesting way. . . .

There was a time, in the beginning of our friendship, when you needed me badly. You needed my help, you needed my support, you needed my companionship, you needed my organizational skills, you needed my technological know-how, you needed my friendship; in fine, you needed me---or so that’s what I told myself. I lived under these pretenses, feeling so needed by you, and everything was just peachy. I loved coming over to your house to spend the day helping you organize a closet, sell something on craigslist, or clean out the garage. I loved sitting around and letting you fulfill your need to cook for someone (me), and care for someone, and talk to someone, and just be with someone. And all that time, I really thought I was the one doing you the favors. It wasn’t until recently that I realized I was living a lie---that all that time, I was the one who really needed you. I needed to be needed, as strange as it sounds, by someone. I needed to make a difference to someone. I needed someone to need my friendship. And so we developed the perfect symbiotic relationship. You needing me, and all the while, me needing to be needed by you. Without a mother, sister, or any other member of my own family, I really needed a friend; but I was too prideful to admit that I needed someone so badly, and so that’s why you were so perfect for me. You needed me; I was totally justified.

And during all our time together, I was blessed to be taught from your vast source of wisdom. What else do you think we were doing during all that cleaning and organizing? Talking of course; and all the while, I was gleaning wisdom from you and your lifetime of experiences.

Thanks for your love in a time when I needed it most. You made time for me. You loved me. You needed me. I needed you. Thank you.

The amazing thing about you is you’ve never reached a plateau of growth. Tanner and I were talking the other day about how people, as they age, sometimes check out of life mentally and emotionally long before they have to physically. There are many examples of people like this. You are not one of these; you are the exception. You continue to grow, to give, to share, to love, and to learn. You are so graceful in the way you live your life, and you have blessed the lives of many because you share it. I feel so blessed to get to watch you and have my daughters watch and learn from you too.

Love you


Dear Gigi,

I love you. I love sleepovers with you. When I sleep over, I like to play cards and have baths. I love it when I get to have manners lessons. I love spending time with you. I like learning about you when you were a little girl like me. I love the rose arch in your backyard. Sometimes I think it might be fun to have a picnic under there when we have a sleepover. That would be super fun. It seems like you have been gone for a long time because I haven't seen you in a while. I miss you when I haven't seen you for a long time! I can't wait to see you again!



April 23, 2011
Dear Gigi

I love you. I like when I get to spend the night at your house. I like watching movies with you and playing games like Go Fish and Old Maid with you. I like when I am with you because we have a great time. I feel like we don’t spend that much time together anymore. I like when you give us peppermints. I like peppermints because they taste good.

I’m glad you’re my Gigi.



Dear Gigi,

I miss you. Where are you? I love you. I like to color and paint when I go to your house. I like that you're nice. And you let me come over and play games with me like doing puzzles. I like going to places with you...anywhere, like to the store. When I sleep over, I have fun and I like to have a bath and I like it when you make me noodles. I love you.



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